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Shanghai Youren Foundation (Youren Foundation) was founded on November 8th, 2016 as a member organization of the One Plus One Disability Group (OPO).  It was co-established by OPO and its founders, Xie Yan and Tang Tao.  Youren Foundation was approved by Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau as a non-public fundraising foundation and a charitable organization, and was granted tax exemption for non-profit organizations and pre-tax deduction for donations by social organizations for public welfare.

Formerly the Youren Magazine published by OPO since 2013, Youren Foundation has now expanded its focus from people with disabilities to the extended disadvantaged groups.  The vision of the Foundation is to enable the marginalized communities to live with equality and with dignity with the culture of “rationality, authenticity, and warmth”. The Foundation has three main areas of work, Disability Development, Philanthropic Partnership, and Public Education. In the role as a mentor for the disabled, Youren Foundation designs and delivers capacity building programs, ranging from independent living skills to employment, to support people with disabilities have systematic development.  With respect to public education, it seeks to make the voice of persons with disabilities be heard through various activities including cultural creation, media production and disability awareness month.  Within the philanthropic sector, the Foundation sees itself as a partner who builds connections between various parties to encourage the inclusion of disability in a broader scope of social topics including child rights, sex and reproductive health, education, etc.  As a mentor for the disabled, an inspirator for the public, and a partner of organizations alike, Youren Foundation is committed to promoting the sustainable development and social inclusion of the disadvantaged.

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